Thanks to the support of South Carolina Sea Grant Consortium, SCMEA offers a Marine Education Grant Program to provide funds for projects conducted by members that will further marine and aquatic education.
Scholarships offset expenses for members to attend the National Marine Educators Association (NMEA) annual conference and the SCMEA annual conference.
SCMEA also offers awards to recognize outstanding marine educators.
SCMEA's electronic newsletter Sea Scripts is filled with current information and opportunities within SCMEA and in the field of marine and aquatic education. It is sent electronically to members four times a year.
SCMEA's annual conference and marine events offer opportunities for participants to collaborate and share excitement about our water world. Members receive a discount on the registration for events and the annual conference that includes: Concurrent Sessions, Field Trips, Keynote Address, Annual Business Meeting, and Auction.
Discounted Admission and Special Program Tickets at the Georgia Aquarium
SCMEA Members will receive access to a private website to purchase discounted tickets. Tickets must be purchased online and cannot be purchased on- site.